Friday, July 13, 2012

The Kingdom, Eschatology, and Other Points

There are so many things happening so fast.  Change is happening on every level.  Some of the change is the kind that would speak of increasing Biblical maturity, and other kinds would speak of the opposite.  I know that a Kingdom generation is arising as a Christ Centered movement to reveal the glory of the King in all parts of life and culture.  This is the hope we have, that He that started this good thing (New Covenant, New Creation, New Jerusalem) will finish it.  Jeremiah 29:1-11 expresses that God has a plan for something that is good and not harmful in the future.  Verse 11 speaks of the idea that there is an “expected end” available as His plan unfolds.  He communicated His plan in verses 1-10.  It is the plan of God’s people setting up life, family, business, spiritual engagement in a long term mindset that will cause the things that are dark around us to increasingly come to the light.  This is the plan that brings the expected end of Rev 22, trees (oaks of righteousness Isaiah 61:4, planted by a stream Ps 1) that ongoingly produce fruit that nourishes and brings forth what heals nations.  God’s people are the oaks of righteousness that are a planting of the Lord to rebuild ruined cities.  The more and more God’s people adjust and embrace the Kingdom understanding Jesus always talked about, the more and more things will improve in our homes, families, cities, culture, nations. 

I recently held a conference call with about 18 leaders from across the country to discuss if we can see the modern Church shifting to a Kingdom understanding over a “church” mindset.  The dialog was great and communicated some important points.  What I heard amongst those sharing was that there is evidence of things shifting where many of the modern Church is looking and reaching beyond themselves and making relationships in ways that is cross pollinating.  There is a much broader perspective happening that is allowing many to recognize the Kingdom is not just about building a big sized congregation or ministry.  3 important assessments were shared on the call that expressed important areas of deep conversation and study that is coming to the surface. 
  • ·      The Kingdom Message being predominate
  • ·      The Gosspel simplified to being set on Jesus alone
  • ·      Eschatology – what will happen in the future, even debate over heaven and existence of hell

These areas of emphasis seem to speak of the generations wrestling with some old mindsets and paradigms.  Again, some of these areas of change are improvements in doctrines and theologies and some are running off course into danger.  These 3 points are encouraging that the kind of change needed is being looked at by more and more. 

When the generations respond together to the Kingdom (understanding His realm of rule, and that His rule is the way He wants things, and our role to express/lead in the way He wants things) the future will become brighter and brighter.  The centrality of Christ being the paramount desire of the generations will be the earmark of things moving forward.  A more accurate understanding of the future within history and post history will continue to rise as the full victory of Christ is recognized.  A Kingdom generation of those younger and older will go at things totally different and see the results of His desires. 

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