Wednesday, November 21, 2012

From the Backward Glance in Gratitude

 “But our joy does not just rise from the backward glance in gratitude. It also rises from the forward look in hope.”
- John Piper in Desiring God

The backward glance of gratitude does something that provides hope when looking forward. Time and time again God reveals His ability and faithfulness to complete the good work He started (Phil 1:6). He continues in His purposes and our lives are forever enriched by His doing so. He leads by the light of His word shining before our feet (Ps 119:105), and each step creates a past step that says something about the next step. This is an unending blessing that provides joy at any moment.

The ability to look backwards in itself is a catalyst for gratitude. Looking back is proof we are not where we were. This then affirms that He is moving us toward His desire and design. That creates for us a solid place of assurance that the next point on the path will be of the same nature. Not all places feel the same, but all are pointing to the same. All things direct us toward Him. Our glance backward is to see Him. Our look forward is to see Him.

Seeing Him from looking over our shoulder stirs gratitude and reminds us He was there then. Seeing Him in front ignites hope that He will be there before we even know where “there” is. His Word, like head lights on the car, allows us to see the path closest to us, but His presence in the past let's us know He is beyond what we see in the light. With our hearts set in joy that He was there, is here, and is already there, we remain firm in the faith. 
Gratitude and Hope is our response to seeing Him. It is our joy to look. It is our joy to see. It is our joy to know and affirm He is how we've made it and how we will carry on.

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