Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Satan's Day, My Birthday, and Reformation

Can any serious Christian living in God's covenant with a Biblical worldview and sealed by the Holy Spirit really embrace the belief that there is a day on the calendar that belongs to satan?  If satan can own a day, why not 2?  If there is a day that he claims, why doesn't he claim them all?  Is there something or Someone that keeps him from owning the year?  If there is (and there is!), then why would one day be permitted?  There is no allowance or concession from Jesus to satan.  Only One holds time in His hand.  The earth is the Lord's. Time is the Lord's. Eternity is the Lord's.  In that scope, where does one day sneak by and openly become satan's day?  The answer is, it doesn't!  No days, months, years belong to anyone but God.  

My birthday is October 31.  Growing up as a passionate Follower of Jesus this often seemed to create conflict or at least cause an interesting grin when people that knew my heart for Jesus heard of this concerning situation.  It always made for a laugh that I was born on "satan's day", and many made comments trying to spin it to the positive by letting me know it was a good thing to have someone that contends with satan be born on "his day".  I guess I somewhat bought into that most of my life.  It seemed odd to have my life so strongly set on Jesus be overshadowed by this weird birth date.  I think I somewhat enjoyed the shock that happened when people realized I shared a birthday with satan's "prime day".  Yet, inside I struggled with the idea that somehow a day was set aside for satan.  It bothered me that I couldn't really put my finger on it, but I knew something didn't set square.  

I was so happy to find out in my late 20's that October 31st was also Reformation Day.  The day which Martin Luther pinned his 95 Thesis on the church door stating the indictments leveled on the religious order of the day.  Finally!  I could claim something to make the day of my birth have value for the things of God.  It was amazing to discover that God had something significant on that day.  It was like I could at least prop up that event though it seem to pale in the glory satan obtains on that day.  But still, I was rejoicing that October 31 had significance because Luther did something on that day.  Then, I awakened to the fact that I had "reclaimed" that day because of the efforts of a mortal when all the while all days had be CLAIMED by the Creator.  Luther wasn't the significance of that day; Jesus is the significance of ALL DAYS!  Luther was pointing to Jesus on Reformation Day because Jesus is the Point.  So my heart found a relief in the tension I lived most of my life having my birthday on what is projected by multitudes of the Church as the day for satan.  

Amazing that the Church surrenders a day to satan.  Then a lot of Christians/Churches try to put on an "alternative".  What?!  An alternative speaks to the idea that there is something set in place, but something is offered out on the side.  Christians and the Church are not to be taking the position off to the side.  Especially when Jesus is the "Set One" and all other things are in response to Him.  There is no place to leave a day vacant.  It can't be that Jesus owns October 30 and November 1, but gives satan a token day to do all he can with it.  Satan can't own a day!  

For some very insightful input on this, you need to check this out: www.biblicalhorizons.com/open-book/no-28-concerning-halloween

There is to be NO shrinking back or taking a step off to the side as some "sideshow for Jesus".  November 1 is the celebration of the victory of the saints, All Saints Day.  Halloween is the eve of that celebration, and somehow its been said that is satan's day of victory.  Really?  Always see Christ's victory and live each day from that.  We don't even need to "reclaim" Halloween.  It never went anywhere.  We just live the victory of Jesus and use Halloween to celebrate the defeat of satan.  Celebrate His victory and laugh at the attempts of satan, God does (Ps 2)

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