Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Rise of Champions

In Revelation 5, we see a picture noted with weeping, concern, and perhaps heartache over the absence of a solution. All those partaking in this moment were looking, searching, and even crying out for someone that could do what was needed. The fear was that no one could be found that could get the job done. I think there may have been a feeling of loss, abandonment, and helplessness, but then it happened. One was able to step into the need and rise as a champion to do what was required. It was Jesus! He stepped forward in ways no one else could and did what couldn't be done other wise. He rose to the occasion and filled the vacancy. He silenced the weeping, removed the tears, settled the fears, and enabled hearts to rejoice. The Champion emerged to win the day.

We find the moment we live in going through a very similar situation. Looking around at the modern landscape of families, homes, economics, government, Church, etc., its as if we stand weeping and searching for someone to rise as a champion in these areas to do what is required and open a way to solutions. We have fathers absent (see this great blog from my friend, we have spiritual leaders absent, we have coaches absent, we have community leaders absent, and we are left with tears and fears wondering where we will end up. Our homes are missing clear direction. The people of God are missing clear direction. Our nation is missing clear direction. I am coaching my sons' soccer team, and I look around and don't see clear direction on teams or even the league. We have a vacancy of quality leadership! We are absent of champions that will step up and rise to fill in the blanks. This can no longer be the condition we settle for and permit.

We need champions to rise! A Christ Centered, Kingdom Generation of those younger and older that will emerge in the love, power, and authority of Jesus is needed to assert ourselves in the places of need. As those in Christ, we must find ourselves gravitating to areas of vacancy to fill and lead. We need fathers rising in their homes to champion their family and solve issues and crises among them. Lead their wives into security and greatness. Lead their children in strength and validation to see them live in fulfillment. Daddy's that are “knights” for their little girls and a hero to their sons. Our homes must have champions rise as Jesus did and open the way to soundness.

We can not go any further without champions rising in the Church that step up in ways that lead the people of God to be the champions of our communities, culture, and nation. Where is the leadership that sets the expectation of discipled nations? Where are pulpits blazing with revelation that fuels the hearts of the hearers to rise in this hour to be the needed champions so that which is crumbling around us becomes an expression of His glory? We can no longer be satisfied with cute little meetings making us feel good about ourselves as we sit on the sidelines. This void of champions must be resolved by a Kingdom Generation that stands up with courage and takes hold of the challenges of the day.

In Revelation 5, Jesus showed us what ends the weeping. He stepped up to handle what needed done. He achieved the eternal solution to the crisis. As those of Him, we have the expectation to step into places that are absent of Biblical leadership and provide the solutions that will express His glory and set the course of a better day. We are not to be those looking from the outside in wondering who will get it done. We are to be the ones that get it done! Its time for champions to rise! Lead your home better, lead God's people better, lead our sons and daughters better, lead our communities better! Be someone's champion, someone's hero! Jesus set the pattern, and now empowers us to do as He did. Its time to have champions again.

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